Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Far from the Madding Crowd

Watched on the plane.
Lovely scenery, and gorgeous shots. I even noticed the very positive interaction with animals since I listened to a radio programme about Hardy and animals.
Of course my faves were Bathsheba and Gabriel Oakes. And I guess the attitudes were very much of the nineteenth century, when the book was written, and Bathsheba, in spite of being such a strong character, makes a big mistake when she seeks a man who can tame her.
My one niggle was that Sargeant Troy could have been more appealing before showing his darker side.
Yes, yes, he was on the rebound, thinking he'd been dumped by his fomer fiancée, Fanny Robin, but still, but still . . .
Though, of course, Bathsheba could have been pretty overwhelmed by the kiss if she had absolutely no experience.
And in the end it's comforting to see a film based on a Hardy novel which doesn't end in bleak tragedy like Tess of the D'Urebvilles, and Jude the Obscure.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Barber of Seville at Leeds

A nightmare journey with long delays, but we arrived with time to settle in to the hotel, then make our way into the Grand Arcade for a vegeburger at Roots and Shoots, where most other diners seemed to be heading for the opera too.

The show was magnificent, well-staged, acted and sung with verve and thoroughly entertaining - a pantomime with Rossini's music. The female lead, Rosina was played by a replacement, but you'd never have known. 

And on top of everything the hotel room was quiet and comfortable. 

Next morning we paid a brief visit to Dan and family, and then headed south along a rather quieter A1 than yesterday.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Henry V at Tolethorpe

Preparing to picnic
Excellent evening out and very enjoyable performance - I'd forgotten how much comedy there is in this play, as well as the more serious matters of state and war. 


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Music at Gretton Church

Chris Hills (piano and organ) and Frances Hynes (flute and Chinese flute)

A varied programme reflecting the theme of the flower festival, "All around the World". The music was played in a light bright church, full of the scent of flowers.