Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Die Fledermaus on TV

This was the 1990 performance at Covent Garden, on New Years Eve, where Joan Sutherland made her last public appearance in the party scene - in fact she, Pavarotti and Marilyn Horne almost hi-jacked the opera. ;-)

Alas no subtitles.  They would have helped, even though the singing was in English.  An odd one - with a lot of talking , which did help to understand the story - which basically involves a lot of flirting and deception and confusion of identities all round.


operanut said...

I was there (holding up part of a long banner!) and it was an unforgettable evening.

aliqot said...

Excellent! We have been to a couple of performances of live opera recently in Leeds and Northampton, and long years ago I saw La Boheme at la Scala! But most of what we see is on TV - some amazing singing, and performances.